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About Us...

Renewal & Healing is a counseling practice that is committed to helping people find safety, connection, healing, and renewal through embodied healing practices. Interdisciplinary methods are used to treat the whole person, not only an isolated part of who you are. We value your humanity and the life experiences that shaped who you are today. In everything we do, we believe in discovering your strength and resilience. At Renewal & Healing, we use an integrative approach to wellness: 

  • Neurobiology: We delve into the science of your brain, exploring how neurological pathways influence behavior and emotions. By understanding the biological foundations of your thoughts and feelings, we can guide you toward rewiring patterns and fostering mental wellness.

  • The Body: Recognizing the body carries our mental and emotional states, we incorporate somatic practices to help release tension, manage stress, and reconnect with the physical self.

  • The Mind: Through various counseling methodologies, we explore the landscapes of your mind, from the conscious to the subconscious, unlocking insights and empowering you to make meaningful changes.

  • Connection: The Heart of Our Practice. At the core of our philosophy is the belief in the power of connection. We strive to establish a deep, empathetic, and supportive relationship with you, which serves as the foundation for all healing. Our therapeutic space is one of safety and trust, where you can open up and explore your inner world knowing that you are not alone in this journey.


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